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Light and Lighting – Research and Networking
Photo: Johanna Rydeman
17 April, 2023 at 08:00 – 18 April, 2023 at 17:00 CEST
The Light Collaboration Network invites you to attend a series of research and networking sessions spread over two days in April. Free to attend, the event is designed for professionals from across the disciplines to encourage collaboration and knowledge transfer.
Monday 17 April
Monday will be packed with presentations, discussions and networking opportunities for anyone involved in applying light research in education, design or industry.
There will be a networking dinner, from 18:30, to be held on-site at the Bryggan restaurant at IKDC (Ingvar Kamprad Designcentrum). We hope that you will take the chance to meet and mingle with each other in a relaxed setting. This is the only part of the conference which we ask you to pay for (SEK 395, to be paid at the restaurant).
08:30 Coffee and Registration
09:00 Welcome by Light Collaboration Network
09:15 Presentations
Johannes Lindén, LCN, Lund University
Flicker and the brain – a project using MR-camera
Hillevi Hemphälä, LCN, Lund University
Glare from LED panels – Intervention study
Myriam Aries, LCN, Jönköping Tekniska Högskola
To SMILE or not to SMILE, is that the question?
10:00 Break
10:30 Presentations
Ute Besenecker, LCN, KTH
Designing with non-white lighting – reasons, examples, challenges
Katharina Wulff, LCN, Umeå University
Multimodal light/activity monitoring: Which tools are most suitable to summarise time dependence?
Maria Johansson, Environmental Psychology, Lund University
Outdoor lighting for people’s everyday life
Johanna Enger, Konstfack, Stockholm
In search of the language of light and shadows
Agnieszka Czachura, Energy and Building Design, Lund University
Solar access in cities – performance indicators for early design stage
Ratna Sithravel, Jönköping Tekniska Högskola
Did the radar sensor detect the imitated human breathing? A potential short-range presence-sensing for optimizing lighting in homes
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Presentations
Stavroula Angelaki, KTH
Lighting in Educational Spaces: A Relationship between Lighting Architecture and Pedagogy
Kiran Maini Gerhardsson, Environmental Psychology and Applied Gerontology, Lund University
Ljus, aktivitet och sömn i min vardag: En pilotstudie för att avgöra användbarhet och möjlighet att genomföra en Internetbaserad kurs för äldre
Jessika Luth Richter, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University
Lighting products and sustainability: a life cycle perspective
Hillevi Hemphälä, Visual Ergonomics, Lund University
VERAM – A method for measuring the risks in the visual environment
Peter Bennich, Swedish Energy Agency, Stockholm
Phasing out fluorescent tubes – and then? About upcoming revision of ecodesign in lighting
15:00 Break
15:30 Panel Discussion
16:30 Closing
18:00 Mingle & Networking
18:30 Dinner
Tuesday 18 April
Tuesday’s programme will focus more on academia with light researchers sharing their latest projects and findings – but everyone with an interest in light is invited to attend.
08:30 Coffee and Registration
09:00 Welcome by Light Collaboration Network
09:15 Presentations
Marie-Claude Dubois, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Alnarp
Light for plants, animals and humans: (what we know and where we could contribute as lighting specialists)
Karin Smolders, Eindhoven University of Technology
LightCAP: The impact of light on cognition, attention and performance
10:00 Break
10:30 Presentations
Tommy Govén, Chair of the Swedish National Committee of CIE
Short presentation of CIE – a global organisation within fundamental research & standardisation in Light and Lighting
Zeynep Ekim, Environmental Psychology, Lund University
Subjective experience of discomfort glare from LED lighting systems
Johan Eklöf, Bat Researcher & Writer
How bats are affected by light
Bodil Karlsson, RISE
The Person Oriented Light approach – A way to address emotions associated with the illumination applied in an open plan office environment
Johan Rahm, Environmental Psychology, Lund University
Methods for assessing outdoor lighting in the field
12:00 Lunch
13:15 Presentations
Carsten Dam-Hansen, DTU Electro, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Specifications of LED lamps and luminaires under dimming and colour tuning
Mandana Sarey Khanie, Indoor Environments, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Visual and non-visual potential of Indoor Environment from a human-centric perspective
14:00 Round Table Discussion
15:00 Break
15:15 Lab Tour
At LTH there are several laboratories associated with light and lighting applications. During this tour following laboratories will be visited in groups:
16:30 Closing
Please note that bookings can no longer be made for this event.
We are not able to help you with booking accommodation but we can suggest you investigate staying at the Elite Hotel Ideon, which is conveniently located close to the venue.